AI-driven HCI researcher dedicated to crafting experiences that strengthen human connections and creating solutions that empower individuals.

NLP & CV Projects

Bayesian Motion Trajectory Prediction

Finetuned YOLOv8 with the VisDrone dataset to enhance small object tracking, using Kalman filters to track single and multiple objects and predict their motion trajectories.

Neural Style Transfer

Reproduced the 2015 seminal paper on image style transfer, with step-by-step visualization of content and style convolution results.

Video Cosine Similarity Search

Trained a convolutional autoencoder on Coco dataset. Extracted feature maps from video screenshots, stored in a vector database, and compared with query images through vector similarity.

Enhancing LLM Accuracy with Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Created Huggingface WebApp to demonstrate RAG technology for non-technical users.

AI-Driven Data & Computational Design